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2 Ways To Reduce Your Mobile Internet Data Bills

Mobile Internet usage can be expensive – so how do you keep your bill low while out and about without […]

Mobile Internet usage can be expensive – so how do you keep your bill low while out and about without compromising on data?

Use apps.

Mobile Internet: Rarely Unlimited

Have you ever found yourself exceeding your data allowance on your smartphone or tablet? Perhaps you thought everything was okay, but didn’t realise that you had exceeded the amount of data you were allowed under your contract until the bill arrived.

The fact is, mobile Internet is very rarely unlimited. Even if you have a 50 GB allowance, once you finally manage to exceed this (perhaps you’re using your smartphone as a wireless dongle) then you will be charged for any data beyond this limit.

To combat this, you need to think smart. The first step you should take is to use Android’s built-in tools to setup a limit on your mobile data. This can be done in Settings > Data usage. With data switched on, tap Set mobile data limit and then specify a warning level and a limit.

You can also Restrict background data by opening the menu and selecting the corresponding option. Although not as accurate as your mobile network/carrier’s metrics, it should be enough to ensure you don’t exceed your limit.

Not enough? Then go further! There are two classes of app that will compress your data for you, both relying on remote servers and forcing you to access the web via their own networks.

Forget Mobile Internet: Use Wi-Fi!

Don’t think you can cut down your mobile Internet use any further? A very good option is to disable mobile data and rely on pubic Wi-Fi. While an unsuitable solution for online banking, shopping and anything else that should be done with a secure connection, you can still use it to install apps, stream audio and video and catch up with the news.

While this solution might not be of particular use while you’re touring the countryside or remote suburban areas, it should be all you need in metropolitan zones.

My recent article about quitting mobile Internet entirely expands on this subject.

These Tricks Will Save You Money

Whether you prefer the VPN approach or a browser that compresses your data, or if you realise you don’t actually need to use anything but public Wi-Fi, the raw fact is this: using less data will save you money.

Cutting down on your data might even let you enjoy your Android phone or tablet a bit more than usual, leaving room for streaming videos, radio or podcasts, among other things.

Do you use a mobile Internet compression app? Perhaps you have found a browser that we’ve overlooked here. Use the comments to tell us.

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